Thursday, 1 March 2018

What is YouTube Advertiser friendly Video Content Guidelines

According to YouTube ‘advertiser-friendly content is content that is appropriate for all audience’ but this is the main problem. Now a day’s most of the contents are not appropriate for all audience and the proof is the trending section of YouTube, open it and you will come to know that how appropriate all the videos are for all the audience and India is not the only country who is facing this problem this is a worldwide problem so YouTube has provided an additional guideline to solve this problem.

Content that is considered “not advertiser-friendly” includes, but is not limited to:
  • Adult suggestive content including partial nudity and adult humor.
Now according to this point you cannot upload such videos which are inappropriate from being viewed by viewers under the age of eighteen if YouTube found such videos on your channel they will demonetized your channel and no ads will be shown on your videos you may get thousands of views but you will not get any ads on such contents.

  • Violence, including display of serious injury and events related to violent.
According to this point you will not be served with any ads if you are showing violence, accidents, injuries, fighting videos with showing lots of blood even if you are showing all of this in an animation then also it will be considered as not advertiser-friendly content
  • Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language.
According to this point, your content has to be free from strong and bad language else it will be considered as not advertiser-friendly content. Now, what are the languages restricted by YouTube? Any strong coarse or offensive language and even mild cursing such as “hell” and “damn” should be rated as strong language. CLICK HERE for more details.

  • Promotion of drugs and regulated substance, including selling, use, and abuse of such items.
So if you are promoting any drug related products whether it is in a comic way it would be considered as a not Advertised-friendly content.

  • Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disaster and tragedies even if graphic imagery.
According to this point, you cannot upload any video which has any natural calamity or any war scene not even in images or in an animation form like many news channels has their YouTube channels as well and they upload such news. Now you all must be thinking how they can upload such videos? So they can show the entire event in their video but they can only explain the entire event verbally they cannot use the visual content of such event. This point will also stop the activities of bad elements on YouTube if this will not be followed by creators the content will be counted in not advertiser-friendly content.
Now above all points shows what are the not advertiser-friendly content. If you remember in the begging of this guideline there was a line written
Which clearly means that even if you follow all the above rules YouTube still has the rights to remove or demonetize your channel at any point of time without giving any reason if they find something wrong according to them. Now why this entire changing process in YouTube guideline took place? Because advertisers do not want their ads to be displayed on the bad contents or nonrelatives contents for an example On television any advertiser know that where their ads are going to be displayed like on television if they are showing their ads on any news channel they already know that they are going to be displayed on controversial news or may be on any natural disaster-related news, If they are showing their ads on kids channel they know that their ads are going to watched by kids so they can easily decide the suitable ads need to be placed but on YouTube they know the demographic, topics and category but they do not know that on what type of content their ads are displaying. Now how content approval for ads, works?  YouTube do not have any manual content checking system which can check each and every content. The entire system works automatically.
Automatic check: This system check features like video title, metadata, visual imagery for general advertising.
Community flags: YouTube totally depends on the user community to flag inappropriate videos.

So this is it. I hope many of your questions regarding what is advertiser-friendly content has been answered.

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